Monday, June 8, 2020

What is the difference between PCC and RCC ? and cement mortar?

Today in this article we are going to see, what is the difference between PCC and RCC and cement mortar.

These are the mix of materials used in building construction for their specified working nature.

1) Cement Mortar

cement mortar

A cement mortar is a well homogeneous mix of Cement, Sand, and Water that shows dense consistency in nature. They are mixed in different ratios based on the strength required and the area to be applied. Normally the mix in cement mortars is 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7 where one part is cement and the other part is sand.

The higher the ratio of sand used in mortar, the lesser strength we achieve.

Cement mortar is widely used in areas such as masonry work as a filler between bricks, plastering wall as interior plaster (11 mm) and the exterior (22 mm), repairing damaged concrete such as cracks, patching or filling, rendering, floor leveling for fixing tiles, marbles, Kota stones, etc.

Functions of cement mortar

  1. They are used as fillings inside brick masonry.
  2. Cement Mortars made of PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement) also known as Portland mortars are used for repairs.
  3. They act as a medium of cohesion between structural units.
  4. Widely used in floorings.
  5. Portland mortars are used for water resistance too and usually on grouting.

2) Plain Cement Concrete (PCC)

Plain Cement Concrete (PCC)

Plain cement concrete is known as PCC.

They are the Mix of Cement, Sand, and Aggregates. They show physically rough behavior and the workability is low. Normally the grades which come under PCC are Grades - M5, M10, M15.
As we know concrete is good in compressive strength as compared to tensile and they are weak in carrying a tensile load, therefor in PCC reinforcements are not used due to which it shows less tensile strength.
Normally the thickness of PCC ranges from a thickness of 75mm - 125mm in different areas such as PCC used in leveling of foundation, used as DPC ( Damp Proof Course), etc

Functions of PCC (Plain cement concrete)

  1. Used as a concrete bed under foundation (125 mm) which ease in leveling, layout, and placing reinforcement.
  2. Used as coping on walls and parapet walls (75 mm to 100 mm).
  3. For jamming of plinth beams.
  4. Used as a barrier between RCC to overcome the water absorption issue as water-proofing is done at the surface of PCC.
  5. Used to make sill normally of 100 mm under Doors, Windows, etc.

3) Reinforced Cement Concrete

Reinforced Cement Concrete

Reinforced cement concrete is known as RCC

They are a mix of Cement, Sand, Aggregate with a reinforcement member as RebarsFiber reinforcement, embedment plates, bamboo, etc which helps improve the tensile strength of the concrete since a simple concrete or PCC is weak in tension. The physical characteristics of RCC can be improved based on our requirements by lowering or increasing the w/c ratio so as the concrete can easily be workable with dense and normal reinforcements. or by including admixtures to provide strength and ease for RCC.

The concrete mix used in RCC starts from M20, M25, M30, and so on.
RCC is used in all types of constructions because of its load-carrying capacity towards Compression and tension.

Functions of RCC (Reinforced cement concrete)

  1. The maintenance cost is low in RCC.
  2. They are high-strength rigid materials that lead to low deflection.
  3. They are used in pre-cast concrete.
  4. They show high tensile and compressive strength.
  5. Used in all types of works such as foundations, damns, bridges, etc

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